Naturopath Deborah Walker & Linseed Farmer Durwin Banks will be giving you an informative day on two hot topics: Alzheimers & Dementia
Click here for 29th July 2016
Click here for 30th July 2016
Durwin Banks and The Linseed Farm have teamed up with Deborah Walker a Naturopathic Nutritionist to tackle the growing problem of Dementia and Alzheimers.
Two one-day workshops on the 29th and 30th July 2016 will analyse why we have got to this state and share a path towards healing.
This will be a powerful message from the farm, food as a means to keep you healthy seems such a basic idea, yet we have abused the food system so much that the average person is generally confused due to so many mixed messages.

The structure of the day will be to meet at 10.30 for coffee and tea and introductions. We will commence with a tour of the barn to see how the linseed is processed and pressed. Durwin will tell you about his story and journey which has enabled him to understand the role of fat in the function of the brain and why there is so much mental illness.
Later towards one o’clock we will have a ploughman’s lunch.
In the afternoon, Deborah will share with you what you can do to help yourself or friends and family not only to repair damage and improve the cognitive function of the brain but to arm you with information that you can use to help prevent the onset of a range of mental health issues.
The day will end at around 3.30 the cost will be £25.00 to include the lunch and drinks. A maximum of 25 people each day and to make things simple booking will be through Eventbrite. (link) The venue will be Muntham Home Farm Barns Green Horsham Sussex RH13 0NH (sat nav RH13 0PT )
This is an information day there is no pressure and there will be plenty of time for questions and interactions. It is not a selling pitch but you may buy some of our products or book a session with Debbie if you wish.
It is our wish to give you the knowledge that is empowering and knowledge that will free you from fear.
Durwin Banks and Deborah Walker

Deborah Walker – Naturopathic Nutritionist

Durwin Banks – The Linseed farmer