This Wednesday at 2pm on the very last Food for Thought I’m taking a bit of a diversion into goddess territory with Karen Tate Radio show host and author of Voices of the Sacred Feminine, voted by bloggers as one of the most influential and dedicated “Goddess advocates” of the present day, author of Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations, and Goddess Calling. Karen talks about the journey she has taken with both her show and the essays to pull this latest book together, telling us about the next direction it’s inspired her to take in continuing to bring the Sacred Feminine into our consciousness. Talking about mythology and highlighting how it’s apart of our every day life, often without us realising it. Our interview inevitably strays into politics, sexism, the media, we talk about a selection of the essays, Amy Peck’s emphasis on motherly love and respect sexuality as natural and sacred, Selena Fox’s essay on the goddess Libertas and how she has almost woven herself throughout American history. Rev Sandra Spencer’s points about how masculine language is used with women and finally Jane Aldrage Clanton’s summary on how one barrier is scaled or one door opened another one closes and how its a bit like a revolving door! An amazing interview with I have to say on of the leaders in this arena.