Deborah Walker interviewed the kick ass Becky Walsh this week on Food for Thought, a fun and informative interview about Becky and the work she does around intuition and knowing, no holds barred, she shoots straight from the hip. Click here to listen.
Becky Walsh is an intuitive catalyst for people who want growth and positive change in any area of life. She has a private practice for consultations in Bristol and London, and also over the phone and via Skype. Best known for having had a radio show on LBC 97.3, she is also the author of two published books – Advanced Psychic Development, Intuitive Lovers, You Do Know: Learning to Act on Intuition Instantly and six e-books, and numerous online courses.
Becky teaches all over the world including Pakistan, Hong Kong, the USA, the UK, and Chile. She also is a spiritual performance artist and regularly performs her stand-up intuitive show.
Becky is a director of, a platform that supports self-development teachers and their students.