
Love your bones!

imgresI have Max Tuck AKA The Raw Food Scientist back on Food for Thought this week on Natural Health Radio and she’s finally published new book, mind you I say ‘finally’ tongue in cheek because Max is truly in the category of being a phenomenal woman, the loose title of my latest podcasts, because last time we were busy talking about how on earth she had all the energy to be achieving everything she was doing. Click here to listen
Her latest book is called Love your bones, starts with the question why do we need another book on osteoporosis, and I find out why there is a very good reason for another book because sadly since we last spoke the data on bone health is actually getting worse not better.

We discuss how our Western diets are really not supportive of not only bone health but also our over all health, and this isn’t just for the general public but also our athletes are also suffering the consequences of not focusing on their diet.

Interesting facts:

  • Many of those people sustaining these fractures don’t return to a normal life
  • 8.9 million fractures across the world happen every year.
  • 1/5 of those with a hip fracture die within one year,

We discuss the false information that is deeply ingrained about dairy and the research she found that clearly showed a link between dairy consumption and hip fractures, and how important hydration is to bone health.

Find out what a typical day in the life of a bone lover would look like if we lived with this focus.

Max has 2 books published Love your bones, and Whole Body Solution.

Listen to our interview here

Review of Love your bones

When you learn in the first few pages of the book that around the world we experience 8.9 million fractures you start to realise how important a book like this is. But Max doesn’t stop there, she continues with facts that are scary to say the least, because it’s very well documented that many of those sustaining these fractures don’t return to a normal life, and that 1/5 of those with a hip fracture die within one year. Not only astonishing but quite frankly saddening for those this is happening to, which could be you, consider for just one minute that with these sorts of statistics we live in a technologically, scientifically and medically advanced world with more access to services than ever before. Yet our health continues to degrade year after year and people are dying from a fractured bone!

So what is going wrong in our system of living that is leading to such high statistics, well Max diligently outlines how diet and lifestyle is the key risk factor in our bone health, or should I say our bone ill health, and the worse our diet and lifestyle becomes the higher the increase in bone issues.

Through solid research, backed up with the latest studies on bone health, she explains how the myths around dairy produce have led to increased fracture risk, the message of how important it is for strong bones is shown to be a fallacy built up over time, and repeated by many with little to support it now. Of course she goes into our sugar consumption which is higher than ever due to not only fizzy drink consumption growing, but also due to foods containing hidden sugars, it’s known these are reducing bone density and she supports everything she talks about with the researched studies proving this. The book contains a fascinating interview with Professor Hamsma where she discusses bone glue, he points out something very dear to my heart, how the absence of water will stop the bone glue from reforming, so hydration is essential if you want strong bones.

The main thing that stood out for me about this book was how short sighted the advice is that is currently given out when there is a diagnosis of osteoporosis. There is so much more to bone health than vitamin D and calcium, If you want to know what the bone lovers diet should look like, then Max talks about the type of diet and nutrients that will help the bones be strong, not just one vitamin and a mineral, prepare to be strong, and eat your greens, and don’t become one of those statistics.

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