This week on Food for Thought I have The Raw Food Scientist with me AKA author Max Tuck! We talk about raw foods, her new book The Whole Body Solution: The Complete Guide to Ultimate Health and Anti-ageing
, what really makes a healthy diet, which foods are considered healthy but aren’t quite as good for you as you may think they are, how do you make your raw food diet work for you and stop yoyoing.
About Max Tuck
In addition to my degree in Veterinary Medicine, I am also a certified Hippocrates Health Educator. I have been researching nutritional health for over two decades, and lecture nationally on this subject, as well as writing regularly for the Fresh Network’s quarterly magazine “Get Fresh!”.
When I hear about others having health challenges, or even those just wanting to improve their energy and vitality, I can really relate to it and understand how it feels. This is because in 1990 I was classified as a medical write-off, experiencing chronic fatigue and Epstein-Barr virus both at the same time. I was told that I would probably never recover and that I would have to accept that my life was going to be compromised in a number of ways, which quite honestly I didn’t like the sound of!
Fortunately for me, I have a very positive attitude and proactive nature, to the point of being incredibly stubborn, and I refused to accept my diagnosis of “incurable”. I realised that I had probably done something wrong to get myself into this mess in the first place, so set about working out what to do about it.
Because of my scientific training, I realised that drugs were not the way to kick out viruses; I was going to have to get my immune system to do that for me, so needed to rev that up a bit! In those days, there was no internet, so I just had to find information where I could, and it took me a while to get on track. Via a radical change in diet and lifestyle, incorporating a lot of raw food and forcing myself to exercise, I achieved the apparently impossible – reversing my illness within 6 months.
Since my recovery, which was of course most unexpected by the medical profession, I have run marathons, competed in triathlons, mountain bike races and other demanding endurance events, climbed mountains and gained my black belt in Karate. I have a passion for nutrition, peak performance and the innate healing potential of the body, which I love helping people to activate.
I have embraced the living foods lifestyle since 1998, it being a natural progression from the high raw diet that I had previously been following. It has improved my stamina, endurance and enjoyment of life in immeasurable ways. Keen to access the most cutting-edge information on this lifestyle available in the world today, I enrolled at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida to train as a Health Educator. I graduated from the Institute in 2006, and am delighted to bring their time-proven approach for optimal health and vitality to the UK.
I continue to read and research in all areas of health and performance development, also attending seminars given by world leaders in this field several times a year, to ensure that I stay up to date with the latest information. In this way, I can continually benefit my clients, and they in turn can be sure that they are receiving the best and most relevant advice they can access.
The living foods lifestyle has in fact been in existence for over 2000 years, and its benefits are now being experienced by an increasingly large number of discerning health seekers worldwide. Let me help you to join them!