I’m sorry to say that today my online phone service that I have with Skype was hacked, and that many of you have received what you thought were messages from me asking for money or iTunes gift vouchers or a link for a blog to go to to vote for me.
If you receive a link from my account do not click on it.
If you received a message from me, ask for me to ring you and tell you the last time we spoke or had an appointment together, so you can confirm that it’s me.
If you receive a request asking for money, I never would do this. Ever.
Unfortunately right on Christmas one of my closest friends has been scammed by these people, and I am absolutely heartbroken by this happening as you can imagine, and I am hoping that this hasn’t happened to anyone else, but a lot of you have been in contact to ask if it’s me, so I’m hoping the rest of you will do the same if you are not sure.
I’m so sorry about this, I really am.