

Why You Should Be Friends with Fatty Acids: The Unsung Heroes of Your Diet

Hey there, fellow food lovers! Now, I know what you’re thinking—”Fatty acids? Are you trying to turn me into a blob of butter?” But hold your horses (or should I say, hold your avocados?), because fatty acids are not only good for you, they’re absolutely essential. No, really. Essential. Like, they’re VIP guests at the …

Why You Should Be Friends with Fatty Acids: The Unsung Heroes of Your Diet Read More »


Elderberries are a great source of vitamins in particular vitamins C, and A, both of which are very good for respiratory tract infections. The berries from the Elderberry tree have been used as a popular remedy traditionally for colds, flu, and neuralgia, and this traditional usage has been supported by scientific research. The research found …

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