
Pink porridge!


Simple pink porridge, well what’s left of it!!

Soak a cup of oats (or quinoa flakes) and a tablespoon of linseeds over night in cashew nut milk

Add a handful of pitted cherries.

Really slowly cook at a very low temperature stirring and telling your food it’s the most nourishing and amazing food ever.

Eat and know that you are feeding yourself wonderfully, and chew it properly, taking your time to enjoy!

Food is about nurturing the body, feeding it not just re-fueling it which is how it’s become in our society. Taking time to make interesting, and nourishing food will repay you in health many times over. Research shows what you believe about your food can be more influential than the nutrients it contains, which can have profound effects for those of you living in the fast lane and eating on the run!

You can swap the oats for quinoa flakes

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