Day 26 New Year New You
Your health is your wealth you have nothing if you don’t look after your main asset.
Your health is your wealth you have nothing if you don’t look after your main asset.
Fall in love, I mean it, really fall in love with your food, it’s time to love it, enjoy it, have fun with it, juggle with it, play with it, it should be delighting you and your cells!!
How lovely it is to smile and watch others smile back at you, how lovely it feels to experience smiling through your whole body, because that for me is what truly matters when you do smile. The deep experience of smiling from every cell in your body can have profound changes on your health, changing …
You are feeling sleepy….sleep I feel has become a much underrated pastime, our lack of sleep is sending our bodies right out of balance, it leads to us eating more, changes our hormonal picture, and can lead to weight gain, never mind how shattered it can leave you feeling throughout the day. The quality of …